As you probably know already, Neston Community Youth Centre took over the running of Neston Civic Hall in January and we promised to keep you up to date with developments as we go.
The hall is an old building that has laid empty for 2 years and needs some TLC, (Tender Loving Care not the 90's group). Since we took over we have installed new phone lines, public wifi, cleaned up the mess from the leaks, tidied up the exterior
and other things but there are still jobs to be done before we are able to resume full service.
Our first priority was to make the hall available again to the large, local groups that rely on it to get back to some sort of normality. With this in mind, Bedazzled, Neston Flower Society, Neston U3A, Neston Flicks, Hip & Harmony and Neston Players have all booked and Bedazzled have even restarted their amazing Ballroom classes.
The next things for us to do is sort out water damage, some heating issues and redecorate. While we're doing this we are working on recruiting new staff and organising licensing. We understand people's frustrations but all of these things take time, especially given that we're only a small (but mighty) team in the first place and we thank you for your patience.
We will continue to keep you informed on progress and as soon as we are able to take bookings for private functions we will let you know.