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Neston Civic Hall Update

Thank you to all who attended the public meeting on 7th October 2024.

The purpose of the meeting was to update the community on the current situation and our plans to raise the funds needed to carry out the vital repair work needed to keep the building operational.

The current situation is that NCYC is continuing to operate the Civic under a rent-free lease with CWAC. We have seen an increase in bookings and usage since the last public meeting in April 2024 and thanks to a generous donation from Neston Civic Society we were able to cover much of the shortfall for the last 6 months, however we are still continuing to use the Charity's modest reserves to subsidise the day to day running of the building. The present physical condition of the Civic remains unsuitable in a business sense as its running costs are higher that what we currently receive in revenue through venue hire.

Our business plan shows clearly, that, if we had a secure roof and a modern heating and ventilation system the Civic Hall can be financially sound. We have a fantastic team of volunteers who have worked tirelessly to fix things that need fixing, including painting, basic electrics, plumbing and improving the overall appearance. We are so very grateful for their unpaid efforts.

At the last update we were saddened to report that our application to the Community Ownership Fund was unsuccessful. This did not deter us but gave us chance to regroup and devise a comprehensive fundraising plan. Alongside this we have asked a local roofing company to split the roof repair work into 5-6 jobs.

The fundraising plan includes raising the funds needed in 3 ways:


NCYC have approached Neston Town Council to ask them to add a £10 precept to the annual Council Tax bill for 2025/2026 for every house in the Town Council area. This will generate approximately £60,000 which we can then use to demonstrate match funding for future capital funding bids and will enable us to start work as funds are raised. Town Councillors will be voting on this proposal in November and want your feedback as to whether you support the precept.


Our fundraising campaign, Love Neston: Raise the Roof will be launched at our 'When I'm 64' Beatles event on 2nd November 2024. This event will be the second one of a schedule of events aimed at raising money for repair work. A huge thanks to Emma, Managing Director of Artemis Media for her support in developing a fundraising plan.

Capital Funding

We will continue to apply to capital funders. We are hopeful that we stand a greater chance of success with this bids once the roof replacement / repair is split into smaller, more manageable jobs and we can demonstrate match funding via the precept and fundraising efforts.

How you can help

There are several ways you can help us:

Vote on the precept - As a CH64 resident we would like you to indicate whether or not you support the £10 precept. You can do this in the following ways:

Scan QR code below and on posters on display around Neston Civic Hall and NCYC to be taken to online form

Follow the link to complete online form -

Pop into NCYC to complete a paper vote

The precept will be discussed at the next Town Council meeting on 22nd October at 6pm at Neston Town Hall.

Purchase tickets for our fundraising events - keep an eye on our events page for upcoming events - Flicks & Events | NCYC

Use the Civic - please consider hiring the Civic for your events and meetings. Contact for enquiries

Join our fundraising committee - email for more information

We know the Civic Hall is important to the community of Neston and we want to thank you for you ongoing support of NCYC as we continue to operate Neston Civic Hall for the benefit of our community.

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